Monday, June 2, 2008

My Plans

So, basically, this blog is so I can update everyone, my friends, family, all in one go. (Im not so great with emailing). I'll post pictures of my travels, and you can leave comments! You don't need an account.

Here is my plans for the first half of my trip. They might change.

8th June - Leave Sydney, Arrive in LA. Leave LA, Arrive in Albuquerque
15th June - Leave Albuquerque
16th June - Arrive in Madison
19th June - Leave Madison, Arrive in Chicago
21st June - Leave Chicago, Arrive in Cleveland
25th June - Leave Cleveland, Arrive in LA

Then my tour starts in LA on the 28th of June, and I'm going to be traveling to 22 different states along the southern part of America. We end up in New York, and from there I catch a plane to Sydney, where i will arrive on the 24th of July.

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Hope to see everyone when i get back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How the heck do I pronounce this place...Albuqueerueueuquer?? Oh i give up!!! Love. Chach