Thursday, June 26, 2008


More Pictures! Click here to see Madison/Chicago

Its been a little while since i posted but heres an update.

After Madison i did a bit of kayaking which was really really really fun! I loved it, and i want to do it again. Then, I went to Chicago where i basically just explored the city for 2 days. Its a very busy city. I stayed downtown in a really nice hotel overlooking Grant Park. I checked out the aquarium and went up in one of the tallest buildings in chicago that overlooked the city.

After chicago, i flew to cleveland and stayed with Zahrah's inlaws, Jim and Betty. They are the coolest! I went to two Cleveland indian baseball games, did a lot of shopping, and just relaxed before my trip to LA.

Thats where i am now, Cleveland airport, trying to get to LA. My flights were delayed, im missing my connections, so US airways just put me on another airline that gives me a direct flight into LA. Its going to be about a 6 hour ride, plus another hour from the airport to my hotel. On saturday, my Grand Southern tour starts! Vegas is my first stop! Updates soon, along with pictures from Cleveland including the baseball games i went to.

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