Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Albuquerque, New Mexico! Part 2

Did you know that Sydney is 137 feet above sea level? Well Albuquerque is 2500 feet above sea level. So of course, im experiencing altitude sickness. I didnt know beforehand, so when i started getting dizzy spells and random nose bleeds i had no idea what was going on. Also its really hot here, around about 35 degrees Cel most of the time. Im doing much better now, and handling the heat all right too!

Today i went out for lunch at a Mexican place. It was fantastic. I had my first burrito! After that i came back to my hotel and slept a bit then i went out for a little walk and took some pictures of the mountains. I also went to Walmart/Circuit City/Best Buy! Everything here is SO cheap! I only bought a phone (which i only got to get the sim card) so now i have a number. If you want it, email me and i'll send it to you.

Then i went to dinner at an all you can eat buffet, its insanely cheap! I couldnt eat that much coz i got full quickly.

Today i saw a tumbleweed! Yes, a real tumbleweed that went down the road and got stuck in front of a car (which slowed down and went around it) but how awesome is that! you only see them in the movies. It was pretty masstive.

Some random facts:

- People are very very nice and easy going
- I dont understand tipping
- People don't indicate when they are driving
- There are a lot of motorbikes and people dont wear helmets
- There is a lot of yummy food for cheap
- The light switches are weird, I have to switch up!
- The cars here are massive. MASSIVE i tell you!

Thats all for now!


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Ramzi said...


i left a comment before and it didn't seem to work, so i'm going to try again under rumz's account.

sounds really nice and the pic that i saw is very picturesque.

hope you have a great time

let's see if this post works



Maryam said...

Hey Aals,

It actually did work but i accidentally deleted it. Sorry! But i got to read it before hand. I'll update more soon!


Anonymous said...

haha massive ay? like my 'monster truck'? thats so funny!

ur first burrito! yay!

Maryam said...

Yes! there are so many 'monster trucks' here!! Its crazy!

Kim Williams said...

Phase two: Fajita!

... and now I want Mexican food more than anything else.

Beck & I leave for Melbourne today.. It will take us 6 hours to get to our first stop - dumb Beck didn't believe me, so we're running late already. Woe!

Anonymous said...

Hi Maryam,
The light switches go up so that if you have to turn them of quickly, you just swipe downwards. This is easier than trying to flick UP when you are in a hurry.


Umm Papoose said...


I miss you, wish i was there with you going to see the Georgia O'Keefe Museum.
Looks very nice. Its just as hot here in Oman so I feel your pain.
Eats lots of burritos for me and papoose.


Ramzi said...


ok cool, so at least it worked. ace has added the drink bottle to her favourite things. this means that she hides it! she knows that i'd borrow it otherwise. lol

gotta hit the sack, hope your enjoying yourself.

