Sunday, June 8, 2008

LA airport

So my adventure has started! It was hilarious from the get go. I got dropped off at Sydney airport, and the check in counters weren't open yet, so i hung around for an hour. Then this random girl comes up to me and starts talking to me. She had just come from the USA, and had missed one flight which made her miss heaps of other flights, so she was stranded at SYD airport. We kept each other company. I let her use my mobile. I think its good karma!

Finally got on my flight and we took off at Sydney time 2pm. The flight was long. Very, very very long. I felt sick a bit, and i couldnt eat any of the food on the flight. Coz its gross. I had some fruit, and a lot of water. It was also boring. We land in LA 13 hours later. I go through immigration which takes ages. I get confused with all the terminals. A bus driver helped me, and i got to the correct terminal for my next flight.

Which, by the way, isnt for another 7 hours. Yay. Also LA airport has nothing. Im not kidding. No shops. I wanted to buy a sim card for my phone, but nope, nothin! Im surprised they have wireless internet (which isnt free anyway). So theres my long rant about LA airport. I tried getting on a earlier flight to ABQ but its booked solid, so i have to wait. I havent slept yet. I cannot wait to get to my hotel room, 9 hours from now, and just sleep!!

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