Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Dear Family and Friends,

Im sorry I haven't updated in a long long time. So Albuquerque was awesome. I met some amazing people, and we got to go hiking and try lots of different foods! It got so hot that i got really tan. And im already tanned! I burnt my face, which is kinda annoying coz now my face is peeling.

It went by waaay too fast. I did some dancing, which is pretty crazy coz people who know me know that i dont really dance. It was so so so hot!

On Sunday arvo, we (Maj, Me, Cris, Amber) drove from ABQ to Madison (Wisconsin). It was a TWENTY FOUR hour drive. It was long long long. We went through Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa. And we were in Illinois for like 15 minutes. A lot of Iowa was under water.

Now im in Madison, and it is beautiful! This place is amazing! Its a university town, and people are so nice. I went and bought some Madison University t shirts. It kinda reminds me of wellington, just with no hills. I really need to upload more pictures!

Off to chicago next week!


Anonymous said...

salams merm

glad to hear your having a good time albeit the 24 hour car ride. tanned? how can you get tanned?? lol

ace is well. we miss you.

look forward to where you'll be next

is maj a girl??



Maryam said...

aw i miss you guys too! Lol Yes, Maj is a girl. I'll let her know that you asked :P On my way to LA now. Hopefully i can talk to you soon!