Monday, June 30, 2008


Latest updates on contiki! Pictures to come soon!


Met up with some of the tour group and had some dinner, Everyone i met seemed really nice. Most of them were staying at the hotel that the tour was leaving from in the morning, but i hadnt had a chance to book it, so i had to stay at a place about ten minutes away.

Las Vegas:

I ended up getting to the hotel at 6:30am, and the bus set off for Las Vegas at 7:30am. We got to Vegas a few hours later. Vegas is amazing. Even if you dont drink or gamble, the sights are well worth the trip. We checked into our hotel, had about an hour to get ready then we headed out to dinner. Italian food was great! We got to meet everyone and play little 'get to know you games'. We got a tour of the strip at night, it was AMAZING! I forgot my camera that night so i didnt get to take pictures. So im gonna take other peoples pictures and upload them when i can. We went to a small wedding chapel (one where Bon Jovi got married!) and had 'Elivs' preform for us, and do a fake marriage for two people on the tour. After that we had special access to Studio 54 at the MGM casino. I didnt stay long coz I wanted to be up early (a few people didnt roll into the hotel til about 5:30am, My room mate didnt even make it back to the room!).

Day two: Up Bright and early with a friend i made on the tour, Kristine, to check out every major hotel/casino on the strip. We started up at the Mandalay (gold windows, amazing interior), next was Luxor (Egyptian themed Pyramid hotel. We went on the elevators which went sideways!), after that it was Excalibur (family themed hotel, like a huge castle!). there Tropicana (boring), New york New york (There was a roller coaster out the front of it, which i went on, it was amazing!! Buildings 1/5 of the size of the actual new york buildings, including the statue!) next was MGM (Lion habitat indoors), Monte Carlo (classy! and actually has more rooms in the hotel that Monoaco has in its entire country!), Paris (has the effiel tower up the front, thats half the size of the original one), Bellagio (beautiful and grand, and has amazing water and light shows up the front), Caesars Palace (meh, not bad), Mirage (nothing amazing), Venetian (canals run through the entire hotel exactly like Venice, with the driver people singing to you, amazing rooms inside too!), Treasure Island (meh, but amazing shows out the front).

It took the WHOLE day to see all this, and it was about 45 degrees that day. The sun was BEATING down on us. Im glad i did it, because seeing it was amazing. We had a variety show that night at the MGM, with different sorts of entertains like magicians, and stuntmen. That was also good. After a last look at casinos at night, it was time to head back.

Grand Canyon, Arizona:

Up nice and early for a bus ride to the Grand Canyon. It was uneventful, but here we are now in the Grand Canyon, and it has to be the MOST amazing thing i have ever seen in my life. Helicopter flight over the canyon tomorrow!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


More Pictures! Click here to see Madison/Chicago

Its been a little while since i posted but heres an update.

After Madison i did a bit of kayaking which was really really really fun! I loved it, and i want to do it again. Then, I went to Chicago where i basically just explored the city for 2 days. Its a very busy city. I stayed downtown in a really nice hotel overlooking Grant Park. I checked out the aquarium and went up in one of the tallest buildings in chicago that overlooked the city.

After chicago, i flew to cleveland and stayed with Zahrah's inlaws, Jim and Betty. They are the coolest! I went to two Cleveland indian baseball games, did a lot of shopping, and just relaxed before my trip to LA.

Thats where i am now, Cleveland airport, trying to get to LA. My flights were delayed, im missing my connections, so US airways just put me on another airline that gives me a direct flight into LA. Its going to be about a 6 hour ride, plus another hour from the airport to my hotel. On saturday, my Grand Southern tour starts! Vegas is my first stop! Updates soon, along with pictures from Cleveland including the baseball games i went to.

Friday, June 20, 2008


As promised, here are a few pics ive taken so far:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Dear Family and Friends,

Im sorry I haven't updated in a long long time. So Albuquerque was awesome. I met some amazing people, and we got to go hiking and try lots of different foods! It got so hot that i got really tan. And im already tanned! I burnt my face, which is kinda annoying coz now my face is peeling.

It went by waaay too fast. I did some dancing, which is pretty crazy coz people who know me know that i dont really dance. It was so so so hot!

On Sunday arvo, we (Maj, Me, Cris, Amber) drove from ABQ to Madison (Wisconsin). It was a TWENTY FOUR hour drive. It was long long long. We went through Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa. And we were in Illinois for like 15 minutes. A lot of Iowa was under water.

Now im in Madison, and it is beautiful! This place is amazing! Its a university town, and people are so nice. I went and bought some Madison University t shirts. It kinda reminds me of wellington, just with no hills. I really need to upload more pictures!

Off to chicago next week!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hiking in ABQ

Today i went hiking out in the mountains in New Mexico. It was hot, and i hadnt had much sleep but, it was worth it. The views were breathtaking! It took ages to get up there, and i awoke my old soccer injuries on my leg (Im glad i had Maj to lean on!) It was fantastic.

Check back for some pictures soon.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Albuquerque, New Mexico! Part 2

Did you know that Sydney is 137 feet above sea level? Well Albuquerque is 2500 feet above sea level. So of course, im experiencing altitude sickness. I didnt know beforehand, so when i started getting dizzy spells and random nose bleeds i had no idea what was going on. Also its really hot here, around about 35 degrees Cel most of the time. Im doing much better now, and handling the heat all right too!

Today i went out for lunch at a Mexican place. It was fantastic. I had my first burrito! After that i came back to my hotel and slept a bit then i went out for a little walk and took some pictures of the mountains. I also went to Walmart/Circuit City/Best Buy! Everything here is SO cheap! I only bought a phone (which i only got to get the sim card) so now i have a number. If you want it, email me and i'll send it to you.

Then i went to dinner at an all you can eat buffet, its insanely cheap! I couldnt eat that much coz i got full quickly.

Today i saw a tumbleweed! Yes, a real tumbleweed that went down the road and got stuck in front of a car (which slowed down and went around it) but how awesome is that! you only see them in the movies. It was pretty masstive.

Some random facts:

- People are very very nice and easy going
- I dont understand tipping
- People don't indicate when they are driving
- There are a lot of motorbikes and people dont wear helmets
- There is a lot of yummy food for cheap
- The light switches are weird, I have to switch up!
- The cars here are massive. MASSIVE i tell you!

Thats all for now!


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Monday, June 9, 2008

Albuquerque, New Mexico!

So I ended up being stuck in LA airport for 8 hours because my flight to Albuquerque was delayed. I finally got here, hopped into a taxi and got a lift to my hotel. Checked in and SLEPT! Oh i missed thee. The wireless doesnt seem to work in my room so i am down in the lobby using my laptop. It is HOT here. Like really really hot. Blue skies, slight breeze, very nice weather. Id go to the beach if Albuquerque wasn't in the middle of the desert!

I havent had a chance to check out the city yet, but i will be going soon. Im going to take pictures. From what i saw at night, it looks very awesome!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

LA airport

So my adventure has started! It was hilarious from the get go. I got dropped off at Sydney airport, and the check in counters weren't open yet, so i hung around for an hour. Then this random girl comes up to me and starts talking to me. She had just come from the USA, and had missed one flight which made her miss heaps of other flights, so she was stranded at SYD airport. We kept each other company. I let her use my mobile. I think its good karma!

Finally got on my flight and we took off at Sydney time 2pm. The flight was long. Very, very very long. I felt sick a bit, and i couldnt eat any of the food on the flight. Coz its gross. I had some fruit, and a lot of water. It was also boring. We land in LA 13 hours later. I go through immigration which takes ages. I get confused with all the terminals. A bus driver helped me, and i got to the correct terminal for my next flight.

Which, by the way, isnt for another 7 hours. Yay. Also LA airport has nothing. Im not kidding. No shops. I wanted to buy a sim card for my phone, but nope, nothin! Im surprised they have wireless internet (which isnt free anyway). So theres my long rant about LA airport. I tried getting on a earlier flight to ABQ but its booked solid, so i have to wait. I havent slept yet. I cannot wait to get to my hotel room, 9 hours from now, and just sleep!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Plans

So, basically, this blog is so I can update everyone, my friends, family, all in one go. (Im not so great with emailing). I'll post pictures of my travels, and you can leave comments! You don't need an account.

Here is my plans for the first half of my trip. They might change.

8th June - Leave Sydney, Arrive in LA. Leave LA, Arrive in Albuquerque
15th June - Leave Albuquerque
16th June - Arrive in Madison
19th June - Leave Madison, Arrive in Chicago
21st June - Leave Chicago, Arrive in Cleveland
25th June - Leave Cleveland, Arrive in LA

Then my tour starts in LA on the 28th of June, and I'm going to be traveling to 22 different states along the southern part of America. We end up in New York, and from there I catch a plane to Sydney, where i will arrive on the 24th of July.

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Hope to see everyone when i get back!