Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Memphis/New Orleans/Pensacola/Orlando

sorry for the lack of updates! Getting the net, and getting time just gets harder and harder coz theres so much to pack into my day! So my last update was about Dallas.

Memphis: We drove off to memphis, Tennessee, and arrived on the 7th of July. Personally, i didnt like memphis. Mainly because of my bad experiences there. (i'll go into detail soon). Our hotel room was really crap as well. Beale Street is the main street there, so our group went out to the karaoke place there for the night. That was hilarious. I only sang with a group of girls. When we were walking back to our hotel, there were scary homeless people that kept following us and asking us for money. The next day we had to go out to graceland to see all the Elvis stuff. Me, and two of my friends missed the bus out with everyone else by a few minutes, so we had to catch a taxi! We finally got there and our group had gone in so we had to wait til they finished so we could get our tickets off the tour manager. We got them, did the tour (which was pretty average. Elvis house was nice for the time that he lived there). After the tour, we MISSED the bus again to get back to the hotel! Lucky there was a free shuttle to Sun Studios (where elvis first recorded his songs, along with a bunch of other famous people). So we got to Sun studios, and walked 20mins in the 35 degree heat back to the hotel.

Oh and the worst thing that happened to me that day was in the gift shop at Graceland. My leg was itchy, so i was itching it, then suddenly, i realised that the itchy thing in my leg was moving. And it was moving up my leg. So i started freaking out and trying to take my pants off in the gift shop. I pulled them down a bit, and a SPIDER came out. Argh, it was so gross. All in all, not a fan of Memphis. We also went by where Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated.

New Orleans: Next, it was off to New Orleans. This city, and Vegas, have been my favourite so far. We got here, relaxed a bit, then we got ready to go out onto a riverboat to have dinner. That was ok, we got to see the sights of New Orleans. We learnt a little bit about the hurricane and its aftermarth, but we didnt see any of the damaged areas or anything like that. It was really hot here as well, but not as bad at the other places. After the boat ride, we went out and cruised the town a little bit, got home and went to bed. The next day, i slept in which i regret because i missed out on most of the day to see anything. But that afternoon we went out to the swamp boats, and got to ride on these awesome boats then went pretty fast in this river. (Its exactly like those boats you see on the intro to CSI Miami). We got to see alligators, and i got to touch a live baby alligator! It was sooooo cute! We had dinner that night at bubbagumps, which is all Seafood, and Shrimp (yum!) If you have seen the movie 'Forest Gump' you will know was bubbagump's is.

Pensacola: This is a beach town in Florida. We had to stop here for the night coz the drive all the way over to Orlando would have been too long. It was a nice place, i put my feet in the water. We got there when the blue angels (army plane things that do stunts) were doing a show, so we got to see that which was awesome. It was a nice lazy day, i did some shopping, and bought some board shorts, and the lady forgot to take the stupid security tag off the board shorts, so now i cant wear them!

Orlando: Finally we got to Orlando! Its the weirdest weather here. It can be perfectly sunny, and then suddenly is decides to start POURING with rain! Since im writing this a bit later, i cant remember everything that happened in Orlando perfectly. The day after we got there, we went to universal studios! That was really fun! I went on heaps of rides, but then when i got to the ride called 'the hulk' i came off it feeling really really dizzy, but that was near the end of the day, so i didnt go on anymore rides after that. The next day i went shopping at one of the outlet malls. I bought some AWESOME new Arnette sunglasses. They make such a difference compared to cheap crappy sunnies. And out here in the summer, you really need good ones. I also went a little crazy for my nephew Noah and bought him some nice clothes from OshKosh, and some other stores. By far, the BEST thing i did in Orlando, was a ride where you get taked up 300 FEET, strapped into thing harness, and you FREEFALL over the water and swing. Its basically bungee jumping, but you dont go up and down. Me and Heidi, and Brendan did this together. It was the best feeling i have ever had in my life. We got it recorded and its on dvd so i will upload it to youtube when i get a chance and then post it on here! The next day, we went to the Kennedy Space Centre, Also known as NASA. It was pretty freaking awesome! The best thing about it was that we go to go in a shuttle simulator! I loved it.

Today we just arrive in St Augustine, which is America's oldest town, dating back to the 1600's when the Spanish lived here. The buildings are beautiful. We're are going on a walking tour of the city tonight!

Pictures of ALL of this, to come soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you posted!

i'm happy now, ew, that spider thing would have been so gross. oh well, not every part will be great, but it sounds like your having an awesome time.

speak soon iA

