Saturday, July 5, 2008

Arizona/Colorado/New Mexico/Texas

so, a recap on the past couple of days.

After the Grand Canyon, we drove into Monument Valley. (Its on the Navajo Indian Reservation). We got to go in a bus on an off road kinda tour (which was extremlly bumpy and scary, the bus had no windows, and it seriously felt like it was going to break!). But the Valley was amazing. I took a lot of photos to i hope i can upload them.

After that, we drove to Cortez, in Colorado. Its amazing how Monument Valley is sandy, and rocky, and it looks like you are in the outback, then you drive for a few hours, and you can be in colorado, which is so green, and hilly, and apparently, looks like Switzerland in the winter! Here, we got to go in jeeps/hummers up one of the mountains where there use to be old gold mines. It is also the place where the Hope Diamond was found. The jeep ride...was scary. Coz going up and down these mountains, on a rocky, narrow road, with 9 people in them, makes it a bit terrifying! At one point, everyone in the jeep had to get out, coz the driver couldnt go around the corner of the mountain because it would have tipped! When we got up near the top, we got to go INSIDE one of the old abandoned gold mines. It was cold, so cold that there was snow up there, in the middle of summer! I broke off a bit of the rock that had a bit of gold on it to bring back home.
Then we drove into Albuquerque! We got in a bit late, had dinner then went to sleep early because i had to get up at 4:30am. FOUR THIRTY AM! I cant believe i managed to get up in time, but i did. The reason for this? Hot Air Balloon ride over Albuquerque and to watch the sunrise! It was worth getting up early. I have to upload those photos.

We drove into Amarillo, Texas. And, everything IS bigger in Texas. The hotel we stayed in was hilarious! we had cowhide doona covers, saloon doors into our bathroom area, and cowboy paintings and things on the wall. Again, i need to post pictures. That night, we went out to dinner, and 4 people in our group were doing the 72 ounce steak eating competition. Basically, they had to eat a 72 ounce steak (thats 2.2 KG), a bread roll, 2 pieces of shrimp, a baked potato, and a bowl of salad. Three guys, and 1 girl tried. The guys were talking themselves up about it all day. But guess who ended up nearly finishing all of it? Yup, Tori, the girl. It was great! After that, we went out, there was a lot of crazy dancing (which is didnt participate in) I played pool! (which i think im improving at!)Today we had a looong drive from Amarillo to Dallas, which is where i am now. Dallas is one of the places ive been excited about. When i was doing year 11 and 12 history, I studied the JFK assassination, and today, i drove down the road where he was assassinated. Tomorrow, We had a pass to the old book depository place (where Lee harvey oswald shot JFK from the 6th floor) and its now a museum. But tonight, we get to go to a Rodeo!

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