Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dallas, Texas

So yesterday we rolled into Dallas. It's quite an interesting place. Very different to everywhere else we have been in America. We went to a Rodeo, which was fun. They even had little kids as young as 4, riding on sheep! Our hotels rooms are really really nice. This is me, Caitlyn and Kristine at the Rodeo. After the Rodeo, we went to a bar/club thing because they had a mechanical bull. If you come to Texas, you have to see one of these! A few people had a go on it, i didnt coz im a chicken, but it was great fun!

This morning we made our way out to The Dallas Cowboys football stadium. We got a tour of it, and also got to play on the field. Im proud to say, i kicked a field goal! By far the coolest place we have gone to in Dallas was the JFK museum. After studying it in school, it was amazing to see the place, and learn it all over again. Heres a picture on the road (you can see two X's that mark the two shots that killed JFK) and then theres the book depository building where Lee Harvey Oswald was, on the 6th floor. The last picture is off the grassy knoll, where there was alleged gunman. And of course, I couldnt come to Texas, and not buy a cowboy hat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you say that you've updated your blog, but i see that you haven't really. slack! what, are you like on a tour or something??

btw, why are you wearing shorts? and why are you taking photos with boys? i told you not to talk to them!!! :P

